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Realistic simulation of quantum computation using unitary and measurement channels
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Moueddene, A.A., Khammassi, N., Bertels, K., Almudever, C.G.
On Structured Design Space Exploration for Mapping of Quantum Algorithms
Medina Bandic, Hossein Zarein, Eduard Alarcon, Carmen G. Almudever
Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volume › Conference contribution › Scientific › peer-review
A scalable Cryo-CMOS Controller for the Wideband
Frequency-Multiplexed Control of Spin Qubits and Transmons
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
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Certifying quantum signatures in thermodynamics and metrology via contextuality of quantum linear response
M. Lostaglio
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A P4 Data Plane for the Quantum Internet
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